Exhibition Committee
Associations that make up the grouping of bird Exhibitions Committee Marche-Umbria
Info Committee
Cecchi Marino 339.3135296
Rosa Francesco 393.1141975
Berluti Stefano 392.5300675
Via Molino Raticone, 3 - 47843 Misano Adriatico (RN)
tel. 0541.612050 - fax. 0541.612050
The International Championship of Ornithology Umbria Marche Adriatic, is organized by an Exhibition Committee that the previous Italian experience of Pesaro in 2007, was reconstructed and expanded to other groups of the group that decided to join. The Committee intends to manage this and other events of national significance and international bird that can be organized in two regions of Marche and Umbria. One objective of the Committee is to get over a few years, to have a single reference exhibition in the territory which will eventually replace all the other small / medium shows that the groups organized in their cities. And one of the innovations of this administration is' the fact that the International will be "traveling" within the territory of both regions to be organized annually in different cities.
The logo of the Committee (left box) was carried out by member of the APO Pesaro, Irene Boschi. Represented in the logo are the places and environments in the two regions: from the sea with sails (in blue) on the mountain (in green) and the birds fly in the sky, a symbol of their common passion that unites us.
ASSOCIAZIONE PESARESE ORNICOLTORI cod. FOI n. 372 Sede Sociale: Via Nanterre - 61100 Pesaro Corrispondenza: c/o Rosa Francesco - Via Molino Raticone, 5 - 47843 Misano Adriatico (RN) tel. 0541.612050 – fax. 0541.610711 – cell. 393.1141975
ASSOCIAZIONE ORNITOLOGICA ANCONETANA cod. FOI n. 205 Sede Sociale: Via S.Maria, 9/C - 60030 Monsano (AN) Corrispondenza: c/o Giampieri Graziano - Via S.Maria, 9/C - 60030 Monsano (AN) tel. 0731.605562 cell. 335.8367096 http://www.associazioneornitologicaanconetana.it ass.anconetana@libero.it - giampyhome@alice.it
ASSOCIAZIONE ORNITOLOGICA RECANATESE cod. FOI n. 407 Sede Sociale e Corrispondenza: c/o Ottavini Elio - Via Castelfidardo, 10 62019 Recanati (MC) tel. 071.980504 – cell. 339.1909879
ASSOCIAZIONE ORNITOLOGICA MACERATESE cod. FOI n. 280 Sede Sociale: B.go Speranzoni - 62100 Macerata Segreteria: Via Zincone, 36 - 62100 Macerata tel. 0733.263270 Corrispondenza: c/o Cecchi Marino – Via Dell’Acquedotto, 49 -62010 – Villa Potenza (MC) tel/fax 0733.492374 – cell. 339.3135296
ASSOCIAZIONE ORNITOLOGICA PERUGINA cod. FOI n. 371 Sede Sociale e Corrispondenza: c/o Brunori Nicola - Via Stefania, 13 06124 Perugia http://www.ornitologicaperugina.it
ASSOCIAZIONE ORNITOLOGICA UMBRA cod. FOI n. 493 Sede sociale e corrispondenza: Via Visso, 22 06049 Spoleto (PG)
ASSOCIAZIONE ORNICOLTORI 2000 cod. FOI n. 137 Sede Sociale e Corrispondenza: c/o Marconi Natalino - Via G. di Vittorio, 9 63033 Centobuchi (AP) cell. 329.0536307 fax. 0735.582846 marconinatalino@libero.it lino@funi90.it
ASSOCIAZIONE ORNITOLOGICA SANBENEDETTESE cod. FOI n. 450 Sede sociale e corrispondenza: c/o Ficetola Domenico Via C.Colombo, 67 - 63039 San Benetto del Tronto (AP)
ASSOCIAZIONE ORNITOLOGICA PICENA cod. FOI n. 027 Sede Sociale e Corrispondenza: c/o Panichi Ezio - Via dei Lilla, 2 63100 Ascoli Piceno tel. 0736.43078 cell. 339.3925170